Science, Engineering & Mathematics Pathway

Are you interested in how things are built and how they work? Whether looking at people, animals, plants, machines, buildings, the earth or the universe, students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Pathway (STEM) have an interest in understanding how the world works. And with our rapidly improving technologies, there are always new boundaries to push and new things to learn. As a result, technologies we can barely dream of today will be the reality 10 years from now, and STEM students will be on the leading edge of those changes.


Engineering is the process of utilizing knowledge and principles to design, build, and analyze objects. Engineering is a necessary element for most items that require construction and has several branches of expertise including civil, electrical, mechanical, and chemical.


Mathematics is an essential tool for better understanding the world in which we live. Mathematics is a tool that prepares us for careers in many areas such as nursing, accounting, medicine, education, law, engineering, computer science, business and so much more.


Science is a way of discovering what’s in the universe and how those things work today, how they worked in the past, and how they are likely to work in the future. Science education should contribute to a student’s ability to make sense of the world.